
Tuesday 29 May 2012

30 Day Shred: Results

Okay so my holiday came and went pretty quickly... it was pretty awesome and I have lots to write about on that front, but that will come later in the week. FIRST I'm going to finish what I started and report back on my 30 Day Shred results.

Remember that I technically didn't complete the programme - because of time restraints I completed 8 days on each level instead of 10, so technically it should have been the 24 Day Shred. But here are my measurements in any case...

Okay, so the changes weren't extreme, but considering I didn't really have that many inches to lose in the first place, I am pretty happy with those figures. My waist got even smaller (I didn't even know that was possible) and the programme blasted my upper arms - a common problem area and something that I commonly grumble about. So yeah, pretty chuffed.

In terms of the scales... well, I dropped 2 lbs (around 1kg) which again isn't exactly earth shattering, but the whole purpose of this exercise was to lose inches, not weight, so on that front I'm a pretty satisfied customer.

I definitely noticed some other changes, too. My running has got a lot faster since I started the programme, and there was an improvement in my overall fitness. While I could hardly do any proper push ups at the beginning, I found that I could bust them out towards the end of level 3.

But that wasn't all. I could definitely see some definition coming through in my mid-section, and my wee belly seemed to shrink a fair bit.

So I was able to strut down the beach with pride... All those hours sweating it out were worth it. Shame I undid a lot of the work eating ice cream in the sun (more on that later) but if you can't enjoy yourself on holiday, when can you enjoy yourself, eh?!

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